Kitchen window with pink flowers in a vase

What is your property worth?

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Sorry, we are unable to provide a valuation for this address as it may be registered as a business address. A member of our Valuations Team may be able to provide more information. Book a Valuation to start the process.

Your sales valuation
{{ min_price }}
{{ average_price }}
{{ max_price }}
Lower estimation Best estimation Higher estimation
Your lettings valuation
{{ min_price_l }}
{{ average_price_l }}
{{ max_price_l }}
Lower estimation Best estimation Higher estimation

This instant value is based on local data and recently sold house prices in your area, . This is an estimate as we are unable to take the condition of your property and any improvements you may have made into consideration.

To get an accurate valuation based on a viewing of your property book an expert valuation now.

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Do you want to save money on your mortgage?

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Once you have made your selection the branch will be in touch to confirm a time with you. All appointments are subject to confirmation.