Help Me Fix success

Its been just under 12 months since we launched our new service to our managed landlords, offered by our partners at Help Me Fix.
Our goals when engaging with Help Me Fix, was to improve our service to landlords & tenants, by getting the quickest possible response times to maintenance issues, along with saving our landlords money on contractor call out charges.
We are delighted that over the course of 2023, we have had some amazing feedback from tenants and landlords alike, around how swiftly their issues were dealt with, the transparency of the triaging service offered by Help Me Fix and how it has helped to keep properties in good working condition.
We have had 955 maintenance issues dealt with by Help Me Fix. Of these, 192 were resolved either permanently or temporarily on the call with the engineer. This equates to just over 20% of calls, where a resolution was found. A further 56%, 535 cases, were diagnosed by the engineer on the video call, allowing the contractors to be in the best position possible to resolve the issue on their first physical visit to the property.
One of our main goals through the service was getting help to tenants as quickly as possible. When waiting for a contractor to attend we have to work around diaries, prior commitments and working hours, where as our engineers with Help Me Fix are available 24/7, 365 days a year & the average wait time for a call to connect was a brilliant 37 seconds.
Our landlords have benefitted from combined savings of over £30,000 over the 11 months we have been using the service.
We are delighted to offer this service to our landlords & tenants. Help Me Fix have been extremely supportive throughout our working relationship with them and we look forwards to continuing this amazing product alongside our fully managed service.
If you would like any further information, please contact one of the team.