New homes

Should I Conduct Viewings?

Posted February 17th 2022
Real estate agent showing apartment to client

One of the most commonly asked questions for an estate agent is whether the homeowner should conduct the viewing.

It is understandable that many homeowners want to be as hands-on with the sales process as possible. After all, very few people, if any, will know the home in the way the vendor does, so you can see why they think they’ll be a great asset when looking to impress prospective buyers.

Homeowners can offer insight into the home and local area

In an ideal situation, the homeowner will be on hand to offer advice about the local area, to discuss the quality of the home all year round, and assist in creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the buyer.

The reality is often sometimes different.

In some cases, the homeowner is too attached to their house to provide an honest assessment of its merits. A homeowner is likely to have many happy memories of their home, and other people might not share these interests, or care as much about what the homeowner has experienced in this time.

You also have to consider the impact the homeowner can have on a willing buyer.

A prospective buyer is less likely to be honest about their thoughts on a home if the owner is present. Saying something negative about a home is often viewed as a negative remark about the owner, not the property itself, and this can cause issues.

Buyer feedback helps shape future presentations

Getting feedback from likely buyers is often a great way to make improvements that help to connect with the next buyers. However, if the person viewing the home is unwilling to share their genuine thoughts because of the presence of the homeowner, this is a missed opportunity.

You should also consider the fact that estate agents sell homes for a living. A large part of their job revolves around bringing buyers and vendors together. The homeowner likely wouldn’t appreciate someone coming into their place of work and insisting they can do it better, but this is near enough what someone says when they choose to conduct the viewing themselves.

There will always be people who are worried about using the agent to conduct a viewing because it might cost them more. This isn’t the case for most agents, the viewing process is included in the overall sales process.

However, even if there was an additional charge for the property viewing process, it would likely be value for money. If you have a trained and qualified expert assisting you with the sales process, potentially selling your home faster, and for a greater price, you would be delighted with the outcome.

Contact Intercounty for all your Chelmsford property needs

If you plan on selling your Chelmsford home this winter, we are on hand to help. We have a strong track record in this area, and we look forward to assisting you as best we can.

For all sales enquiries in Chelmsford, please feel free to call us on 01245 251442 or why not email us at With considerable experience in the local housing market, and free valuation services, we look forward to helping you make an informed decision in the Chelmsford property sector